Category Reviews

The CleanShot X Review

CleanShot X Logo

Around six months ago, I found myself frustrated with the limitations of the built-in Mac OS screenshot function. It felt clunky, and the editing options didn’t quite meet my quality standards. Seeking an upgrade, I stumbled upon CleanShot X, and…

The Apple Magic Keyboard Review

Top Down of Keyboard

After six years with the Azio MK Mac USB Mechanical Keyboard and transitioning from an iMac to an M2 Mac Studio, I opted for the Apple Magic Keyboard with black keys. It was a refreshing change, as the travel and…

The Logitech Z407 Speaker Review

Almost everything that comes in the box, 2 satellite speakers, subwoofer and wireless control puck
Overall, I've been thoroughly impressed with the audio quality of this speaker system, especially the satisfying thump from the subwoofer. Considering its performance and affordability, I consider it a great value purchase.

The Gigabyte M28U Display Review

Gigabyte M28U
From the moment it graced my desk, the M28U exuded excellence. Its setup was effortless, and once configured to my specifications, the difference in fluidity and clarity was palpable. Whether navigating through applications, browsing the web, or indulging in multimedia content, every interaction was elevated to a new level of immersion and enjoyment.